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First Impression and Review Masker Bubuk Sariayu Kacang Hijau

Bagi kalian yang rutin maskeran tiap minggu, gue rekomendasiin masker bubuk Sariayu yang versi kacang hijau ini. Why?

Because of its benefits! Buat yang mau mengencangkan kulit wajah, cocok pake masker ini. Karena masker ini mengandung alantoin yang memang bisa membuat wajah menjadi kencang.

Masker ini juga bisa mengangkat sel-sel kulit mati. Ini lah manfaat dari kacang hijau tersebut. Maka dari itu, pas pemakaian bakal agak perih dibagian sel-sel kulit mati kalian. Gue pribadi agak perih dibagian bawah bibir. Bagian yang berjerawat nggak mengalami perih sama sekali kok!

Selain itu, wanginya yang nggak menyengat. Beberapa masker lain terkadang wanginya sangat pekat dan nggak bikin relaks. Karena gue suka wangi bedak bayi, jadi masker Sariayu ini bikin gue relaks saat pengaplikasiannya. Wangi kacang hijaunya sangat ringan.

Teksturnya bubuk lembut. Mirip bedak bayi. Saat mau campurin dengan air, jangan kebanyakan airnya. Jadi sedikit-sedikit aja tambahkan air, lalu aduk sampai jadi pasta. Kalo masih kurang air, tambahkan saja tapi sedikit-sedikit. Kemaren gue bikin agak kecairan jadi sedikit sulit pemakaiannya. Harus berkali-kali oles. Kalo pas tekstur pastanya, aplikasinya pun akan semakin mudah.

Masker ini benar-benar 15 menit kering di wajah. Setelah kering, gosok masker sampai tidak ada masker yang bisa digosok lagi. Gue agak susah gosok, mungkin karena terlalu cair bikinnya. Jangan lupa untuk bilas dengan air hangat agar sisa masker terangkat dengan sempurna.

Last but not least, harganya terjangkau. Masker ini bisa dibeli dengan harga dibawah 10k. Namun, gue agak sulit mencarinya di swalayan. Ini baru nemu di salah satu swalayan makanya langsung nyoba. Kemasannya tipis jadi enak buat dibawa-bawa.

Kalo nemu masker ini, jangan ragu buat nyoba ya! Boleh comment di blog ini dan kasih tau gue kalian nemu dimana karena gue juga mau beli lagi :)

Tattoo on your eyes

This is a review about one of Maybelline product, color tattoo 24h! Bold gold type.

Color tattoo has 8 glamour colors to choose. I prefer bold gold because I think it is so shimery and elegant.

Created as cream gel and really soft. So use your fingertip then sweep all over eye. For more bold, darken as desired. It will last for 10 hours or more.

If I used brush, the color can not pop out. So better if I use fingertip.

The pot is really heavy because it is made of glass. 

I bought it for 70 idr, average. I forgot the real price. Sorry :p

It is good to be used for party, not daily using. Maybe you can choose other soft colors for daily using.

Body butter vs body lotion

What is the difference between body butter and body lotion?

The answer is in the ingredients and composition. Lotion contains up to 70% water, average. Lotion tries to minimize skin dehydration by adding in moisturizing agents and other ingredients.

Body butter contains oils and butters which can penetrating the surface of the skin to help nourish and condition skin. The result is skin visibly smoother and silky soft.

Body butters are designed for use all over the body. But avoid using it on the face simply because sometimes the face does not respond kindly heavy oils. Use daily after showering and before sleep.

Actually, a body butter is best used during cooler climates.

When applied, the body butter will trap moisture in, keeping irritants out. Most lotions are drying because of promoting the dissipation softens your skin.

I am using Mustika Ratu, coffee body butter. It contains caffeine so that it will act as anti oxidant. Caffeine also keeps your skin young. The fragrance is so good and it will lift up your mood all day. When applied, it makes your skin little bit glowing. Even it heavier than body lotion, it still fine for daily using in Indonesia. I bought it with 42k (IDR) for 200 g body butter.

Brighter face for a better future

Do you wanna have a bright skin without using make up? This is my secret. Easy to do, even you are kinda busy person.

1. Wash your face before go to sleep
It is necessary to clean up your face before sleeping. All of the polution, even your make up will be vanished. You don't wanna these bad chemical will be absorbed into your skin cells, do you? Clean is the key of bright skin.

2. Use a toner
After washing your face, use a toner. It is better if your toner doesn't consist any kind of alcohol. Sometimes, alcohol makes irritation. Toner will help balancing your pH skin. A balance pH will help your skin look brighter. It also reduces the size of open pores by tightening the cells gaps.

3. Pimple care
I am using acne care from doctor. The acne care are day cream and night cream. These creams contain anti bacteria so that it can prevent pimple appear. You can use home made care for acne such as tomato or lemon.

4. Sunscreen with SPF
SPF is important to protect your skin against UVA and UVB. These kind of UV can damage your skin cell and make it become tanned. Even your bb or cc cream has SPF, it isn't enough to protect your face. Use sunscreen with SPF at least SPF 30.

5. Peel off mask
Using mask such as peel off mask will help your face look brighter. Mask has nutrients which are needed to be a food for your skin. At least use mask 1 time a week.

6. Exfoliate your face
I usually use baking soda to exfoliate my face. This baking soda will clear your dead skin cell. Exfoliate 2 times a week.

7. Drink warm water with squeeze of lime every morning
It helps as antioxidant to your body. Vitamin C helps decrease wrinkles and blemish. 1 lime for a cup of warm water.

8. Drink mineral water 8 glasses a day
Water help your skin from dryness and wrinkles. Make sure you are not thirsty before you go to sleep. While sleeping, you can not drink. So that your skin will need water to hydrating it cells.

9. Eat something healthy
Kinda fruits and vegetables will help giving your cell good nutrients. Take more fruits and vegetables to your menu, everyday!

That's all my secret. I hope you can make your own bright skin!